IC,IC-F 和CA80 CA135测试的条件有差异
1,NON IC:Not allowed to have any insulation within 100mm and cannot be installed in residential buildings
2,CA 135:Type CA 135, closed abutted, recessed luminaire wher fixed, building insu-lating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 150°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
3,CA 80:Type CA 80, closed abutted, recessed luminaire wher fixed, building insulat-ing material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
4,IC:Type IC recessed luminaire wher building insulation that can safely be ex-posed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C may abut and cover the lu-minaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.
5,IC-F:Type IC-F recessed luminaire wher building insulation that can safely be exposed continuously to 90°C may abut or cover the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. Resistant to ingress of external matter.
LED筒灯澳洲安全SAA认证标准AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2001
LED驱动SAA认证的标准是 AS/NZS 61347.1 / IEC 61347-2-13
管制类电气产品根据AS/NZS4417.2划分,包含电热设备、制冷设备、电动工具、零部件等。目录在政府的公报上公布,并根据实际情况增加。昆士兰州、新南威尔士州及维多利亚州在认证进程中最为活跃。以昆士兰州为例,电力法(the electricity Act 1994)宣布了电器认证、销售及使用的详细规定。
1、管制类电器:管制类电器强制必须取得由监控部门颁发的认可证书(certificate of approval),并且规定标识(必须打上证书号)。应当注意的是,认证程序只针对安全性而非性能或品质,除非与安全性相关。证书号的第一个字母显示该证书由哪个州或地区颁发。
姓名:林修宇 QQ: 3004680859
电话(Tel):86-0760-85282956-2012 手机:13653079969
传真(Fax):86-755-85282906 邮箱(E-mail):kevin.lin@lcs-cert.com